Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today i made a necklace for myself:)

Monday, June 21, 2010


I painted another fish today because i thoroughly enjoyed the last one. This one i am keeping though:)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Today I painted a fish for my dad for fathers day. I used a new technique to me by using my palette knife to apply the paint. I was really excited about the way that the colors blended together and i will be using the technique again!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Today I made Igor the pig. I intend on hanging him from the ceiling as soon as i figure out how to rig a wire in him. It is the same materials as the elephant.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Today i made an elephant out of rolled tissue paper. I think its super cute, but it started falling apart shortly after i made it. thankfully i grabbed photos before it was completely gone!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today I made a hemp bracelet with wooden beads for Nick. Its a double square knot, and trust me it took a lot longer than i thought it would to complete!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today I made a box for my sister. I drew out a tribal design for the frog, flower and butterfly and then transferred them over to the box. I went with black and white because of the severe contrasts.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday I was a slacker and did not create anything. Today I painted a tree, my first landscape painting. I wanted to portray snow and lighting in the snow in this painting. its based off a tree i took a picture of.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Today I made a necklace for myself. This hemping thing seems to be addictive.


Yesterday i made an anklet for my friend katie, she saw the one i made for myself and liked it so i made her one of her own.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today I made a hemp anklet for myself. This is the first time that i have ever done anything hemp, so i am pretty proud that i made something decent:) I am not big on jewelry so lets see how long this thing actually stays on my ankle:)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today i decorated a box with playing cards. I created this by hot gluing playing cards onto a cardboard box. Playing cards has always been a fascination and ever since I have been trying to find new and creative ways of using them. Not only does this box serve a purpose, but I think that it is rather intriguing.

Monday, June 7, 2010


So yesterday I didnt have a chance to get to my computer because of events that were happening. Yesterday i did a mosaic stepping stone for my moms garden. It came out a little abstract because of the way that i did it but i love it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

day 3/365

Today i decided that i was going to make a bird house out of craft sticks and hot glue. It only took me about ten hours to complete the project, but whos keeping track, right? I have always loved birds, my grandma is really into them and i can identify some of them. I figured that they would like a pretty house to make their home in :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

day 2/365

Today i made a mobile for my room out of origami that i made. I had a very hard time with the origami, since the only thing that i new how to make before today was a crane. It took me around five or six hours to create five pieces, i hung them up and then realized that i probably should have taken pictures before they were tacked to my ceiling. I promise that tomorrow I will use common sense and take pictures when needed.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Crazy punk skull mask

My inspiration for this mask is a combination of punk ska and cinco de mayo. I got into masks about a year ago, and i have been meaning to make a skull mask, so i figured that this would make my perfect first project

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An introduction

Hello there! My name is Amber, and I am an aspiring artist. I have a unique view on art, and I hope that by creating something beautiful i can change the world. My Cousin Erin is the one who inspired me to take on this journey, and i owe her many thanks because of it. So what is going to happen is I am going to create at least one thing per day for 365 days; it could be big or small, but one finished product per day is my goal. Any suggestions or comments are welcomed!

The Rules:
1. Must create at least one thing every day for one year. Working on projects a little each day is fine, but at least one finished project must be completed each day.
2. Can repeat items, preferably not more than a couple days in a row.
3. Can be original ideas, or tutorials/ideas from others.
4. Can take on any medium…painting, sewing, drawing, writing…anything, as long as something real and measurable is the end product.
5. Can be gifts for others, something for myself, or something for an unknown recipient, etc.
6. Pieces of a larger something do not necessarily count (i.e., granny squares themselves do not count, but when pieced together to make a larger product, such as a blanket, hat, scarf, etc., it counts).
7. Smaller projects in a series of projects would count(i.e., an amiarumi little girl doll would count, even if it’s in a series to make an amigarumi family, or… a finished painting of a person would count, even if it’s part of a series of paintings of people).